ASTEN is a network of science centres and museums throughout Australia and New Zealand.
The objectives of ASTEN are to:
Encourage cooperation amongst science and technology centres, museums and other organisations which utilise an interactive approach to further the public understanding of science and technology;
Advocate for the roles and activities of member organisations;
Act as the Australasian focus and clearinghouse for information about the collective activities of member organisations;
To encourage and facilitate the exchange of interactive exhibits and exhibitions between member organisations;
To share information on the wide range of activities of member organisations.
Major activities of ASTEN include:
organising professional development seminars, conferences and workshops for member organisations;
arranging opportunities for skill sharing between staff of member organisations
sharing good practice and developing industry standards
collecting and disseminating relevant information within member organisations by way of a regular communication
representing member organisations in national, regional and international events and programs;
providing a forum for information exchange about touring exhibitions
providing a directory of members showcasing their areas of expertise or specialisation
liaising with other similar Australian, New Zealand and international networks
facilitating the provision of professional assistance and advice
facilitating the establishment of special interest groups appropriate to member organisations.
Click here for the ASTEN Constitution.
To join ASTEN or for more information please contact us us below or head to Join ASTEN.