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ASTEN Constitution

1. Name

1.1 The name of the network is “ASTEN”, which is the Australasian Science and Technology Engagement Network.

2. Administration Office

2.1 The ASTEN office shall be located at the institutional address of the ASTEN Executive Officer.
2.2 The ASTEN office and Executive Officer role may be transferred to another location within Australia or New Zealand by a decision of the Executive Committee.

3. Objectives

3.1 The objectives of ASTEN are to:

i. Encourage cooperation among science and technology centres, museums and other organisations which use an interactive approach to further the public understanding of and engagement with science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)
ii. Advocate for the roles and activities of member organisations

iii. Act as the Australasian focus and clearing house for information about the collective activities of member organisations
iv. Encourage and facilitate the creation or exchange of interactive exhibits, exhibitions, programs and partnerships between member organisations
v. Share information on the wide range of activities of member organisations
vi. Support the professional development of people in Australia and New Zealand around informal STEM engagement and the display and communication of STEM exhibits.

4. Activities

4.1 Major activities of ASTEN shall include:

(i) organising professional development seminars, conferences and workshops for member organisations;
(ii) arranging opportunities for skill sharing between staff of member organisations
(iii) sharing good practice and developing industry standards
(iv) collecting and disseminating relevant information within member organisations by way of a regular communication
(v) representing member organisations in national, regional and international events and programs;
(vi) providing a forum for information exchange about touring exhibitions
(vii) providing a directory of members showcasing their areas of expertise or specialisation
(viii) liaising with other similar Australian, New Zealand and international networks
(ix) facilitating the provision of professional assistance and advice
(x) facilitating the establishment of special interest groups appropriate to member organisations.

5. Membership

5.1 Eligibility for membership shall be to those organisations and individuals with objectives that are consistent with the objectives of ASTEN.

5.2 Application for membership shall be made in writing to the Executive Officer, including via email or webform.

5.3 ASTEN shall comprise three categories of membership: Full, Associate and Corporate.

5.3.1 Full members are not-for-profit institutions and organisations within Australasia that offer interactive exhibitions and/or programs to further the public understanding of STEM.

5.3.2 Associate members are not-for-profit organisations or individuals within or outside of Australia and New Zealand who are not eligible for full membership, but who demonstrate a strong interest in and support the objectives of ASTEN.[Note: This category could include those involved in formal or informal education and interested in the business of `full members', such as science teacher associations and individual educators.]

5.3.3 Corporate members are corporations, private firms and other for-profit organisations that demonstrate a strong interest in and support the objectives of ASTEN.

5.4 Membership of ASTEN will be decided by the Executive Committee.

5.5 Exclusion from membership will be decided by the General Council.

6. Organisation and Management

6.1 General Council


6.1.1 Each full member organisation shall nominate one representative to be a member of the General Council and shall have one vote.

6.1.2 Associate and Corporate members may attend General Council meetings but do not have voting rights.

6.1.3 The General Council shall meet not less than once every two years. The date and place of the meeting shall be determined by the Executive Committee. Notice of such meetings shall be communicated to all full member organisations not less than three months in advance.

6.1.4 The purpose of the General Council meeting shall be to:

(i) formulate policies of ASTEN

(ii) receive the report of the Executive Committee

(iii) receive the financial report of the Executive Officer, including the recommended budget and audited accounts

(iv) elect the President, Executive Members and Executive Officer of ASTEN.

6.1.5 Between meetings of the General Council, business may be conducted by email, fax or written correspondence. Postal or electronic voting will be accepted for all elections and resolutions. In all cases there will only be one vote per member organisation.

6.1.6 A quorum for General Council meetings shall require a simple majority, or the presence of at least fifty percent (50%) of the members eligible to vote. If a quorum is not present within thirty 30 minutes of the scheduled start time, the meeting shall be adjourned and rescheduled for a later date, OR a vote will be undertaken to conduct the meeting under suspended quorum conditions (6.1.7).

6.1.7 Suspended quorum conditions: In exceptional circumstances, the General Council may vote to suspend the quorum requirements for a specific meeting. Such a suspension must be approved by a majority vote of the members present. If quorum requirements are suspended, the meeting may proceed with the business on the agenda; however, any decisions made shall be subject to ratification by voting members within one month either at the next scheduled meeting where quorum is present or by digital vote.


6.2 Executive Committee


6.2.1 Subject to the decisions of the General Council, the management of the affairs of ASTEN shall be vested in an Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall implement the policies formulated by the General Council, and organise the activities of ASTEN.

6.2.2 The Executive Committee shall comprise the President, up to five Executive Members, and an Executive Officer elected at the General Council Meeting. At least one member of the Executive Committee will be a resident of New Zealand. 

6.2.3 All members of the Executive Committee will hold office from the end of one General Council meeting to the next (a term) and will have a maximum of two consecutive terms in office. Previous members of the Executive Committee can be co-opted for a period to support the transition between terms as required. 

6.2.4 Members elected or appointed to the role of Executive Committee member hold the position as an individual not as an organisation. Should a member vacate the role, change organisations or experience other mid-term changes affecting their role on the Committee, the Executive Committee shall make decisions to ensure the continued effective functioning of ASTEN. Such changes must be ratified at the subsequent General Council Meeting. 

6.2.5 In the event that the Executive Committee is unable to effectively manage the affairs of ASTEN due to insufficient Executive Committee membership or inability to reach a quorum, a Special General Meeting shall be convened to elect additional members to the Executive Committee.

6.2.6 The President will provide leadership for the ASTEN and preside as chairperson of the General Council and the Executive Committee for a maximum of two consecutive terms. 

6.2.7 The Executive Members will assist the President and represent ASTEN when and as requested by the President. The President may appoint existing Executive Committee members to fulfill a specific role or function.

6.2.8 The Executive Officer will maintain records for ASTEN and will liaise with the President to conduct the business of the ASTEN.

6.2.9 The Executive Committee may co-opt to its deliberations persons having specialist skills that help the Executive Committee discharge its obligations. However, such co-opted persons have no Executive or voting power beyond that provided for in this Constitution by virtue of Membership rights.

6.2.10 The Executive Committee shall require a quorum of at least fifty per cent (50%) of its members to conduct official business. If a quorum is not present, the meeting shall be adjourned and rescheduled for a later date. Decisions of the Executive Committee may also be made through electronic means, such as email, provided that all members are given the opportunity to participate in the decision-making process.

7. Finances

7.1 An account will be established and maintained in the name of ASTEN by the Executive Officer.

7.2 The Executive Officer will invoice members, receive and bank monies, send receipts for subscriptions, and prepare an annual financial statement for the General Council meeting.

7.3 The Executive Committee shall recommend to the General Council annual subscription fees for different categories of membership in order to raise the income needed to meet the expenditure of ASTEN.

7.4 Subscriptions shall be annual, and due on the first day of July each year. Full members who have not paid their subscriptions before the General Council meeting will not be eligible to vote. 

7.5 Full, Associate or Corporate Members who have not paid their subscriptions before an ASTEN Conference, meeting or event will be ineligible to attend at the Members’ rate.

7.6  Full, Associate or Corporate Members who have not paid their subscriptions will be ineligible to apply for Grants or Fellowships.

7.7 The Executive Committee shall recommend a budget to the General Council each year.

7.8 The Executive Committee shall distribute an audited financial statement to the General Council each year.

7.9 The Executive Committee shall decide all matters related to Grants and Fellowships by unanimous vote. Members of the Executive Committee who are affiliated with the same organisation as an applicant or who have themselves applied for a Grant or Fellowship shall recuse themselves from participation in the decision-making process to avoid any conflict of interest. Such members must be absent during the deliberations and voting on matters where a conflict of interest may arise.

7.10 The Executive Committee may expend funds to represent the ASTEN network at key conferences and events. Conferences eligible for funding should align with ASTEN's strategic goals, provide significant networking opportunities, or offer valuable insights into industry trends. The Executive Committee will select the committee member to attend based on expertise, availability, and relevance to their role, and decided by majority vote. 

8. Annual Report

8.1  report of the Executive Committee shall be made to all members in all categories of membership at the General Council meeting

9. Amendments to the Constitution

9.1 Changes to the Constitution may be proposed by any full member organisation and shall become effective if agreed to by a two-thirds majority vote of the General Council.

10. Dissolution

10.1 If the Executive Committee by a simple majority decides at any time that, on the grounds of expense or otherwise, it is necessary or advisable to dissolve ASTEN, it shall call a meeting of the General Council. If such a decision shall be confirmed by a two-thirds majority vote of the General Council, the Executive Committee shall have the power to dispose of any assets held by or on behalf of ASTEN. Any assets remaining after the settlement of all debts and liabilities shall be distributed equally among full member organisations of ASTEN.

Updated: September 2024

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